General Rules:
- For staff assistance, use @ before a message to contact online staff. Calls to "troll" the staff will not be tolerated.
- Any attempts to crash the server, propspam, prop push, prop blocking or toolgun abuse will not be tolerated.
- Going to places you cannot walk to (Example: glitching through doors) is not allowed.
- Respect all players. If someone asks you to leave them alone please do so. If you feel someone is harassing you, will not leave you alone or is interrupting your RP, please use @ to contact staff for help.
- You are not allowed to impersonate staff. You can view player ranks in the tab menu. "user" and "regular" are not staff.
- The microphone is for voice communication only.
- Do not use Global chat for local chatting, use OOC instead
- Only roleplay appropriate names are tolerated
- You are not allowed to engage in any form of inappropriate roleplay (ERP/Erotic Roleplay) unless all people involved are of the age of consent in their country.
- Any kind of disruptive behaviour in proximity of RP's is not accepted. Stay in-character or stay out of people's way.
- Please keep swearing, racial slurs, religion, politics, drama and all NSFW content out of public (Ex: Chat, Sprays, PACs.) This also includes being inappropriate via voice communication.
- The staff has the final say in all situations. If you feel a decision made is unfair, you may request to talk with a higher ranked staff member; arguing with staff will not be tolerated.
- If you own a Location with more than 3 doors you are required to roleplay as the owner of that Location and behave accordingly to what would be expected. Example: Owning a hotel means you must always be available to give out keys to someone wanting to rent a room.
PAC Rules:
- Do not use screen shake effects, ever.
- Do not use overly intense lights or light effects, including beams that cause a blinding effect.
- Keep sound volumes at a level where voice communication can easily be heard over it.
- Do not use any mature rated PACs.
- The PAC should look realistic for use in a Pony roleplay setting, see the PAC section for examples of PAC's to use and not to use. These guidelines only apply to roleplaying.
- Max allowed resize is 1.25 of normal size